I want to talk to all of you about January 21 and 22.
January 21 is Inauguration Day. President-elect Obama will take the oath of office in Washington DC that day, becoming our 45
th president .
January 22 is the anniversary of the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion in the United States.
While on the campaign trail, President-elect Barack Obama, pledged that one of his first acts as president would be to sign the Freedom of Choice Act (
at a Planned Parenthood Action Fund event, July 17, 2007). This act would overturn all state-imposed restrictions on the practice of abortion. Most of these restrictions were passed by voter referendum. Not only is overturning these restrictions morally wrong; it is a direct violation of the expressed will of the voters in those states.
On January 22, 2009, the day after President-elect Obama is sworn in, there will be large-scale peaceful demonstrations against the Roe v. Wade decision in Washington, DC and in San Francisco, CA. There are also peaceful pro-life demonstrations planned in state capitals all over the country on January 22.
It is important for those of us who stand for a culture of life to show the President on the day after he is inaugurated that the American people
do not want unrestricted access to abortion; that
we do not want FOCA to become law. Many Knights of Columbus councils, Catholic parishes, Christian churches and synagogues and temples will run bus trips to Washington and to San Francisco and to your state's capital. If you can't make it to the East Coast or to the West Coast Marches, get to your state's capital and show your state legislatures where you stand.
If you can get to one of the bigger marches, take the day off from work or school, bring the kids, rosaries in hand, and go. Let's make this the biggest March for Life that we have ever seen. Scott and I are taking the day off and we're pulling the kids out of school and we're going to be there.
Let's show President-elect Obama in no uncertain terms what the will of the American people truly is.
Blessed Mother, the Immaculate Conception, patroness of the United States, pray for us that we might be successful in protecting the unborn millions whose lives are at risk. St. Gianna Beretta
Molla, pray for us. St. Michael the
Archangel, protect us in battle and pray for us.
For more information about the activities in Washington and elsewhere, please visit Thomas at American Papist.