I just thought you should know that my husband and I will be coming to see a taping of The Colbert Report on November 15. I have been trying patiently to get tickets for a few months now. I am so very excited to be coming to see your show just two days after my 32nd birthday. I sort of hope that William Donahue of The Catholic League will be there again that night because the first time he was on it was awesome! Anyway, Stephen, I like your show very much. My favorite part is The Word.
I'm glad that your wrist is all better . It takes a man of your stature to break his wrist for all of us to remember how important our wrists are to our everyday lives. Thanks for turing your personal tragedy into a learning experience for all of us. No longer will I take my good wrist health for granted.
It's also nice to see a practicing Catholic be (sort of) candid on his show about his faith. It's nice to see that you can be funny without being snarky about the Church.
God bless you and your family. Looking forward to seeing you live!