Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Thanks for the MEMEories

I saw that Karen Hall had tagged Mark and I hoped he'd tag me! Here goes:

What were you doing 10 years ago? I was working at Midlantic Bank (now PNC Bank) helping with summer bank teller hiring and getting ready to go back to Allentown College (now De Sales University) to start my junior year-the year when I met my husband. I was 19.

What were you doing 5 years ago? I was working at Seton Hall University and I was pregnant with boy #1. I had been married for 4 1/2 months. I also recall wishing I was still in Key West, FL, where we shared a hotel with various spring breakers and Mardi Gras partiers (March 4 was the Saturday before Ash Wednesday-yes Ash Wednesday on my honeymoon. I'm not a great planner. and yes, we did fast.). I was 24.

What were you doing 1 year ago? I was in the throes of Vacation Bible School, week 2. I was still bringing both boys with me to the office every day, but, blessedly, the elder was old enough to go to the preschool VBS. Unfortunately, we were still trying to potty train him. I was also still nursing the younger boy, who was 10 months old at the time. I was profoundly stressed out. I'm much nicer now. I was 28.

What were you doing yesterday? I came to the office and did far too much blogging. I cleaned up from VBS. Found out our friend got engaged! Got a postcard from my best girl friend and her family. They're down south for the month. Hubby is in the naval reserve and got called up to serve in FLA until December-that is of course unless the Navy decides to change its mind and send him to Iraq for another full year away from his family-but that's a different post. We went to the Winfield Park firefighters carnival around the corner after dinner and saw lots of CCD kids there. They're a little too cool to say hi to the "CCD Lady." I am 29.

I will tag the Twins and Der Tomissar.

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