Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Blogs of Beauty Awards

I just want to thank whomever it was that nominated me as one of the bloggers you've never met whom you'd like to go get a mocha with! That really makes me feel good. I wasn't a finalist, but it really is a thrill to be nominated. Above is my cool nominee button. If someone can shoot me an email and let me know how I can put it on my sidebar, I'd be grateful.

As I said in the combox below, if you're in North Jersey and you want to go get a mocha, let me know. I'd like the chance to meet my blog friends! Plus, I live withing 5 minutes of 3 different Starbucks stores. But, then again, is there anyone in the country who doesn't live within 5 minutes of a Starbucks? Hasn't my former employer pretty much taken over the world?

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