Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I have been mulling...

I am a DRE in a very busy parish. we have 620 kids in our Religious ed program. I'm only responsible for the Children's catechesis and First Penance, First Communion, and Confirmation (thank God!)

But my Vocation is a wife and mother. ANd we'd like to have another child soon. And I'm very torn between my ministry and my vocation. Last week I was off being stay at home mommy again since my MOm was in Myrtle Beach. I did not want to go back to the parish yesterday.

I suppose God could make this very easy on my by having our pastor retire and having him rplaced by another priest who is in line for a pastoral job who I don't really like. But since this is not likely to happen, (though with God who knows but Him?) I'm not really sure hwat to do. I'll probably stick it out for a while. My husabnd might get a new job with a large increase that could make life easier without my income, but I want to cut back at the parish.

These were the thing swirling around in my head over the weekend (plus I had some commment box issues with someone on another blog which sent me reeling).

Anyone else feel torn between minstry and vocation? Or between work and family? How do you reconcile them? what do you do about or how do you live with the guilt and confusion?


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